Mbaza AI Chabot uses natural language processing including voice technology to enable citizens to access information & guidance while using the local language and also provides feedback to the relevant authorities including key concerns of the population as well tracking probable contamination cases using   channels like voice and formats that removes barriers to access such as literacy and access to internet connected devices. Mbaza Chabot consists of 5 iterations, starting with rule based text and voice Chabot and incrementally move towards conversational Chabot.

A lack of pandemic-related reliable information among the population is a key challenge in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic in Rwanda. Currently, many citizens do not have access to actionable, easy-to understand and up-to-date information they need.
Therefore, this project aims to develop an AI-powered chatbot to ease information and knowledge dissemination in Rwanda. This chatbot will enable Rwandans to ask individual questions regarding COVID-19 and receive verified reliable answers 24/7 from anywhere.
The solution will build on existing COVID-19 information systems operating in Rwanda, including a COVID-19 call center run by the Rwanda Biomedical Center (RBC) and a USSD chatbot to conduct self-screening. Additionally,
the Rwandan Information Society Authority (RISA) has developed a first prototype WhatsApp platform to share information based on the global WHO application.